Libra Cryptocurrency Was Not Welcome In Congress
Here’s the report on Facebook’s cryptocurrency issue
Here’s the report on Facebook’s cryptocurrency issue
Crypto is hitting mainstream retailers.
The Chairman of the Council of Economic Advisers Kevin Hassett says he believes that American businesses have the tendency to be forward-looking and have an interest in investing into growth Continue Reading
This week at the State Department, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo traveled to Islamabad, Pakistan and met with Prime Minister Imran Khan, Foreign Minister Qureshi, and Chief of Army staff Continue Reading
Before meeting Prime Minister Narendra Modi, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talks about why he believes in free trade for everyone. He also says trade relations between India and The Continue Reading
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo talks about the current situation with Iran and what the Trump administration plans on doing in regard to oil sanctions. He says Iranian crude oil Continue Reading
Secretary of State Mike Pompeo reflects on his trip to India and Pakistan and talks about his upcoming meeting with Prime Minister Narendra Modi.
President Trump welcomes the Emir of Kuwait, Sabah Al Sabah, to the White House.
CEO Jack Dorsey explains to Congress why some of his team have looked to blockchain for potentially correcting some of the issues on the Twitter platform. Watch Here.
CEO of Twitter, Jack Dorsey, sat in front of Congress and explained some of the issues he has seen on the platform. He also explained how the algorithm currently functions Continue Reading